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"National Evangelical Thanksgiving Service"

On Septermber 18th, Chilean people celebrate the independence of our country. Evangelical people do it too and every year, in this date, we unite to thank God for the country He has given us and to ask for the rulers in a Thanks Giving service or “Te Deum”.

This year, as it is traditional, this meetiong took place in the Evangelical Cathedral; it was on Sunday, Septemer 14th, at 11 o’clock and it was transmitted by the channel Televisión Nacional de Chile (National Television of Chile).

Pastors y representatives of different Christian Evangelical denominations were invited to this service to participate in it. Leautenant Colonel Luis Aguilera and Major Roberto Moya represented The Salvation Army. Playa Ancha Corps (Temple) Band was invited to this service too. They played the National Hymn, that was sung by the congragation and different pieces, among then, “Nicea”, arrangement of the traditional Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy”.

One of the Biblic readings was Psalm 33. In one of its verses, it says: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...” Psalms 33:12. This verse was very important, because there were prayers for our nation and for more persons to know the God we serve.

In this Independence Month, God bless Chile!

Informe de: Soldier Jacqueline Bozo  
Fotos de: Soldier Robinson Soto T  
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